Welcome to your chanukah resource in SMA!

Join as we celebrate Chanukah with a GRAND menorah lighting at Parque Gutierez, on Sunday, Dec 10th at 5:00 PM. Complete with traditional chanukah donuts, latkas, raffles, carnival for children and much more

Dreidels, Menorahs, Candles and Donuts.
We’ve got what you need. let us know what your chanukah is missing and we will do out best to provide!


Sunday, Nov 26th @ 10:30 AM
Macabee Makerspace Kids Program
Ditch the clay and come make a robot draidel! Join other Jewish children as we learn all about Chanukah and Jewish pride. Every child will leave with their own dreidle and menorah.

Tuesday, Dec 5th  6:00 PM

Make your own scented candle with the Jewish Women's Circle. Discover the connection between the flames of chanukah and your soul and leave with your own artisan candle. The cost for this event is $300 MXN 

Friday, Dec 8th 6:00 PM

Celebrate Shabbat and Chanukah together with the community. Join us for a community Shabbat dinner. Suggested donation of $300 MXN. Rsvp using link below


Shabbat, Dec 9th 10 am
Shabbat morning services at Chabad followed by special chanukah kiddush lunch